Visit a Burgan Bank Branch today, add more to your earnings with Multi Currency Deposit Account. Earn both from the exchange rates and interest in the money markets! Burgan Bank offers the deposit account wherein you may switch among 3 different currencies, being TRY/USD/EUR, without losing your earned interest, during the account term!
- Term of account is between 32 and 90 days.
- Deposit account opening amount should be minimum TL 2,500 for TRY currency, and minimum USD 500 and/or EUR 500 for respectively USD and EUR currencies, while upper limit (cap) is determined as TL 20,000,000 and USD 5,000,000 and EUR 5,000,000.
- For each of these currencies, Multi Currency Deposit Account interest rate valid as of the account opening date is taken as a base, and this base interest rate remains valid throughout the term of agreement. Interest is accrued daily for the relevant currencies.
- Multi Currency Deposit Account is not extendable. A new account is opened after end of maturity of the old account, if demanded so.
- At the end of maturity, account balances available in the related currency are transferred to their associated demand deposit accounts, together with interests accrued thereon till then.
- During the term of account, money cannot be added to or deposited in the account, nor can a part of account balance be withdrawn.
- In case of early account closing requests, only the account principal sum is paid as the account is closed before the end of maturity thereof.
- In order to get detailed information about interest rates, you may contact Wealth Management Portfolio Managers in our branch which is closest to you.
Our Bank is authorized to unilaterally change and adjust the interest rates depending on the changing market conditions.